
The Foundation Papageorgiou was established in 1990 with the initial aim of building the "Papageorgiou General Hospital of Thessaloniki".

Upon being concluded, this task was followed by the erection and fitting-out of the nursery station to serve the needs of workers at "PAPAGEORGIOU General Hospital".

The goals of the Foundation Papageorgiou were enriched with the maintenance of the Lower - Upper Secondary School of the city of Siatista, donated by the Papageorgiou Family, and contributions in service of all manner of charitable purposes.

The Foundation is active in fields such as health, education, science, culture and the arts, supporting all such initiatives, selected at the discretion of the Foundation's Board.


From the Chamber of Commerce Kozani award Nikolas Papageorgiou .

The Board of C . Hospital Papageorgiou unanimously proclaimed Nikolas Papageorgiou honorary chairman for the foundation and decades of creative management of the Hospital

From the Board of C . Papageorgiou Hospital honorary plaque performance Leonidas Papageorgiou as a minimum mark of respect and recognition for his valuable contribution to the creation of C . Papageorgiou Hospital .

Honors awarded mayors Lazarus Kyrizoglou ( Ampelokipon ) , Charalampos Pantazoglou ( Efkarpias ) , and Kostas Theodoridis ( Polichni ) , Nikolas Papageorgiou .

From the Institute of Regional Development of Western Macedonia ( I.P.A.D.M . ) , Awards ‘ Greater Outreach ” Nikolas Papageorgiou .

From Panhellenic Federation of Vlach Cultural Associations ( P.O.P.S.V. ) , awards Nikolas Papageorgiou .

His contribution Bros Papageorgiou Nikolaos Leonidas honors Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Hieronymus awarding the Medal of the First Order.

The Vafopoulio Cultural Center honored Nicholas Papageorgiou for social contribution.

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC HELLAS), awarded Nicholas Papageorgiou with Business for peace prize.

The Patriarchal offikio the Lord Referendarios Church awarded His Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew the national benefactor Nikolaos Papageorgiou.

With the Gold Cross of the Martyr St. Demetrius of Myrovlyti I . Metropolis Sisaniou and Siatistis honored the Metropolitan Sisaniou and Siatistis Messrs Paul Nikolas Papageorgiou .

September 2014
Τhe President and the Board of Directors of the Christian Youth Fraternity of Thessaloniki honored Mr. Nikolaos Papageorgiou for his undivided support and valuable contribution to the operation and social action of YMCA Thessaloniki.

Honorary distinction was awarded by the Mandoulides Schools to Mr. Nikolaos Papageorgiou at the event organized for the “BENEFACTORS OF THE NATION”.

Anatolia College honored its major donors. Mr. Nikolaos Papageorgiou, the founder of “Papageorgiou Foundation” was honored for the significant number of scholarships to students of Thessaloniki and Siatista.

The Regional Union of Municipalities of Central Macedonia awards an honest distinction to Mr. Nikolaos Papageorgiou for his social contribution

The Society for Macedonian Studies awards Mr. Nikolaos Papageorgiou and Mr. Leonidas Papageorgiou for their social contribution. The honorary plaque is accepted on their behalf by Mrs. Zoe Papageorgiou and Mrs. Alexandra Papageorgiou.

The Municipality of Pavlos Melas proclaimed the benefactor and donor of the General Hospital ”PAPAGEORGIOU” Mr. Nikolaos Papageorgiou as an honorary citizen and presented him the Golden Key of the city, in recognition of its multifaceted personality, his important distinctions and his social contribution.

From the Hospital Workers Association Papageorgiou honorary its benefactors donor brothers Papageorgiou

From the Academy of Greek Language and Culture Leonidas Papageorgiou reward offer, in the cultural sector, cultural, humanitarian, ecclesiastical and national action.

Since I. Metropolis Sisaniou and Siatistis letter of thanks for the donation amount for equipment room “Alexandra Papageorgiou” of I.Naou St. Dimitrios Siatistis.

The Association Fourkioton Thessaloniki honored Nikolas Papageorgiou The special Gera altruism.

From the Association of Friends of the History Centre of Thessaloniki honorary brothers Nikolas and Leonidas Papageorgiou

From the mayor of Thessaloniki Kingdom Papageorgopoulos, honors Nikolas Papageorgiou.

From the Association Damaskinioton Thessaloniki honors to Siatistis large benefactors brothers Nicolas and Leonidas Papageorgiou for all their benefactions

Awarded gold medal of St. George the Great Martyr Tropeoforos of I . Metropolis of Neapolis and Stavroupolis by Metropolitan . Barnabas Nikolas Papageorgiou.

The Prime Minister of Greece Konstantinos Mitsotakis declares brothers Papageorgiou modern benefactors and deserving of his country.

Athens Academy , award medal price , Nikos and Leonidas Papageorgiou.

The Rotary Club of Thessaloniki awarded gold medal acts of charity to the brothers Papageorgiou for significant charitable their offer ( Hospital West Thessaloniki ).

From Metropolitan Sisaniou and Siatistis Mr . Anthony congratulatory letter to the brothers George Papageorgiou for making firming of ambient Metropolitan churches St. Dimitrios Siatistas .

Of the Lions , Thessaloniki , Papageorgiou award of brothers Hospital West Thessaloniki.

The Church Council of the Church of St. Dimitrious Siatistas the No 107 / 05.29.1995 Act proclaimed Nikolas Papageorgiou Grand Benefactor of I .Temple.

From the Federation of Associations Dytikomakedonon Thessaloniki gold medals brothers Papageorgiou for the donation of hospital Western Thessaloniki.

By Metropolitan of Demetrias , now Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Christodoulos laudatory letter to Nikolas Papageorgiou.

From the Chamber of Commerce of Northern Greece gold medals brothers Papageorgiou , for the great social value of the donation of hospital West Quarter Thessaloniki

From the Federation of Industries of Northern Greece gold medal award brothers Papageorgiou

From City Siatistas honorary plaque brothers Papageorgiou and mother Alexandra for the construction of the hospital West Quarter Thessaloniki.

From the Association Boeotians Kozani award of Papageorgiou brothers honorary plaque for the construction of the hospital .

From Athens- Piraeus Association Siatistis award of Papageorgiou brothers for great offers them in their hometown Siatista , the Association and the nation in general.

From Metropolitan Sisaniou and Siatistis Mr . Anthony congratulatory letter to the brothers Papageorgiou for full vindication of litigation.

From the County Council Kozani , honorary brothers Nikolas and Leonidas Papageorgiou for their contribution to society Siatista and Macedonia.

The Patriarchate of Constantinople awarded to Leonidas Papageorgiou the office of the Lord Aktouariou

The Holy Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Germany in Frankfurt , awarded to Leonidas Papageorgiou Gold Cross A Church Order.

From the Federation of Hellenic American Friendship Award Papageorgiou brothers for their great contribution to social , national and charity

On the cultural Company ” Makednos ” honors brothers Papageorgiou for the construction of the hospital .

Proclamation brothers George Papageorgiou in great benefactors of the school Siatistis the School Council of Trampatzeiou School for the construction of a new school High School in Siatista

By former Metropolitan Sisanio and Siatistis Mr . Polycarp congratulatory letter to the brothers Papageorgiou at the opening of High School in Siatista.

From Association Siatistis Athens – Piraeus , with resolution proclaimed honorary members of the Association and great benefactors of Siatistas for the donation of High School in Siatista Ms. Alexadra C . Papageorgiou and families of children of Nick and Anna, Leonidas and Suzanne , Apostle and Olga .

Congratulatory letter from the Minister of Education , Anthony Tritsi to brothers Papageorgiou , for the donation of Gymnasiou- Lyceum in Siatista.

To the brothers Nikolas and Leonidas Papageorgiou letter of thanks and praise of the local Church by Metropolitan Sisaniou and Siatistis Mr .Anthony for the donation for maintenance of I .Temple St. George Siatistis.

From Voiaki Home, brothers Nikolas – Apostololos- Leonidas Papageorgiou honorary diploma for great contribution and their contribution to education.

Metropolitan of Sisanio and Siatista Mr. Antonio, awarding praise to brothers Nikolaos, Leonidas and Apostolos Papageorgiou, for the donation of the construction of the school in Siatista.

From “Proodeftiko Silogo Siatistas” (Association of Siatista) the proclamation of brothers Nicolas, Leonidas and Apostolos Papageorgiou as large benefactors of the Association.

By the Minister of Education George Rallis , congratulations letter declaring their brothers Papageorgiou national benefactors .

Awarded by the Macedonian Educational Society of Thessaloniki, The brothers , Nikolas – Apostolos and Leonidas Papageorgiou , ” for versatile emporikin of activity in his home town and the outside and the great tenders for the construction of High School in Siatistis ”

From ” Progressive Association Siatistas ‘ proclamation of brothers Nikolas, Leonidas – Apostolos Papageorgiou large benefactors of the Association.

Award of Papageorgiou brothers by Rotary Club Thessaloniki

From the National Rural Nursery of Siatista proclamation of brothers George Papageorgiou in donors Station .

The Founder Nikolaos Papageorgiou

Firstborn son of Georgios Papageorgiou and Alexandra Gimba, Nikolaos Papageorgiou was born in 1930 in Siatista, Kozani prefecture, in Western Macedonia.

Having lost his father early in the 1940 war, he was forced to work as a child to support his family. The difficult conditions of life armed him with courage and perseverance.

Read more about Nikolaos Papageorgiou

Foundation Papageorgiou Board

The board consists of following members:

  1. Georgios N. Papageorgiou, Chairman
  2. Markos N. Papageorgiou, Vice-Chairman
  3. Zoe Psarra Papageorgiou, Member
  4. Alexandra Βoitsi Papageorgiou, Member
  5. Elpidophoros Ath. Kakalis, Member
  6. Georgios N. Christopoulos, Member
  7. Michail G. Karaviotis, Member